Title One
What Does It Mean to be a Title 1 School?
What is Title One?
Title I provides federal financial assistance to school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of not meeting the state’s standards in English, math, science, and social studies. https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/sw/
How can I be involved in my child's education?
There are many ways to get involved in your child’s education. To begin, Title 1 funding is based on the percentage of children who qualify for free or reduced lunch. You can help your child’s school by filling out the "Household Income Form" and turning it in at the Attendance or Title 1 Office. You can also help by volunteering in the School Site Council. This committee makes decisions about school programs, safety, goals and how funds are used in your child’s school. To volunteer, please contact Mr. Xiong.
Who is Eligible for Title I Services?
Students are identified for Title I services in a variety of ways, including: income, disabilities, English learners, etc. The services offered are in addition to the core curriculum provided to all students. Kennedy HS has a school wide Title I program; all students are eligible to receive services. Services and supports can occur during the school day, before or after school, or in the summer.
The services from the Title One Program include:
Ø Tutorial services
Ø Small group instruction
Ø Paraprofessional in the classroom
Ø Technology support
School Site Council
The School Site Council (SSC) is a team comprised of the school principal, teachers, other staff and parents and/or community members, and students. The SSC looks at student data and school information, identifies student needs and areas for improvement, and participates in the creation/revision of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). Kennedy HS 2024-25 SPSA can be found at https://tinyurl.com/bde87czd The council also review and amend the School-Parent Compact and Parent and Family Engagement Policy. These documents can be found at:
School-Parent Compact: https://tinyurl.com/t7tnr3bp
Parent and Family Engagement Policy: https://tinyurl.com/3ume5jsu
Annual Title One Presentation Slide Deck
The following information was shared with parents and community members at the Annual Title One Meeting.
To review the information, please click on https://tinyurl.com/vtkzebrk
What is the School/Parent Compact?
A major purpose of Title 1 is to increase the involvement of parents in a child’s education. Under Title 1 regulations, all schools receiving Title 1 funds have developed a compact, an agreement between the school and the parents. The compact is designed to help parents and teachers work together to provide the best possible education for each student. Parents have opportunities each fall to provide input and participate in the School/Parent Compact.
Uniform Complaint Procedure (UCP)
The Los Angeles Unified School District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations and shall investigate complaints alleging failure to comply with those laws and regulations, including but not limited to allegations of unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying against any protected group or noncompliance with laws relating to all programs and activities implemented by the District that are subject to UCP as cited within this policy. The District shall seek to resolve those complaints of noncompliance pursuant to procedures in §§4600-4694 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) and the District’s governing board policies and procedures under the UCP, including allegations of retaliation for participation in the UCP process and/or to appeal District decisions regarding such complaints.
UCP notice brochures are available at all schools and on the District’s website in the school community’s primary languages. The link below provides more information on the district’s UCP. https://www.lausd.org/Page/3655
For more information on Kennedy HS Title One Program, please contact Mr. Xiong at (818) 271-2973 or by email: [email protected]