Visitor's Policy
All Campus Visitors Must:
Request an appointment for a visitation date and time with the teacher, counselor, or staff.
- Leave a message with the main office or contact the person directly to request an appointment
- Appointments for teachers must be outside of instructional time. However, it can be made during a teacher’s conference period if possible.
Complete a visitors permit in the main office and obtain the principal/designee's approval before entering the campus.
- Sign in the visitor log located in the foyer main entrance and fill out a yellow visitor pass.
Pre-arrange the classroom activity to be observed with the teacher and keep the classroom observation time and frequency reasonable.
- Visits typically last approximately for 20 minutes.
Follow the school's established procedures for scheduling a conference with the teacher, counselor, or staff member, if needed, after the classroom visit.
- Please complete the Request For An Appointment Form with our office staff or email the staff member directly. If possible, give the preferred date and time for the conference. The person will contact you as soon as possible to confirm the appointment.
Return the visitor's permit to the school office before leaving the campus.
- Please place the visitor pass sticker on the pass collection sheet located on the front counter.
- Individuals who plan to visit on a regular basis must follow the LAUSD volunteer policy and fill out an application.
Some important rules for visitors
- Enter and leave the classroom as quietly as possible.
- Do not converse with the teacher, students and or instructional assistants during the visitation.
- Do not interfere with any school activity during the visitation.
Any individual who causes a disruption on the campus or who fails to follow administrator directions or school rules and/or procedures is subject to removal from the school site and may be further restricted from visiting the school or classroom.