The mission of the John F. Kennedy High School NJROTC Cougar Battalion is to develop informed citizens, strengthen and develop character, promote an understanding of their role as citizens in a democratic society and acquaint students with the importance of sea power. The program does not require any military obligation.
By enrolling in this program, student cadets are challenged mentally, physically, and morally, and they develop skills in followership, teamwork, and leadership.
NJROTC Cougar Battalion also offers several after school activities such as Cyber-Patriot (cyber safety), Drone Team, Air Rifle Team, and Orienteering Team (land navigation) competitions, as well as our other teams like Unarmed and Armed Exhibition and Regulation Drill Teams, Color Guard Team, Flag Detail Team, PT Team, Raider Team, and Academics Team.
NJROTC Information
What is NJROTC?
The NJROTC program was established by Public Law in 1964 and may be found in Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 102. The program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation, by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel. The NJROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, as well as our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competition, field meets, flights, visits to naval activities, marksmanship training, and other military training. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, travel allowance, and a substantial portion of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.
The Naval Science program is constructed to include three academic classroom sessions and two activity periods per week. The curriculum is based on 40-minute sessions of instruction for 36 weeks, with 180 teaching days. This equates to 7200 minutes of contact instruction (72 hours of classroom instruction and 48 hours of activities including military drill and athletics). Adjustments for class length other than 40-minute periods, as well as staggered, rotating or modular schedules, are made at the local school level.
- This program of 7200 minutes of instruction equates to one Carnegie unit or one credit per year toward graduation as an elective or other subject credit approved by school authorities.
- It is desired that all topics provided in the curriculum be covered, but the depth of coverage must be determined by each instructor according to the needs of his/her students. Major curriculum content changes are not to be made without the prior approval of the Naval Service Training Command.
- Naval Science Instructors follow the established procedures of individual schools regarding examination requirements
The Naval Service Training Command routinely updates the curriculum to include new texts, instructional materials and lesson plans. The curriculum is developed and revised by civilian educators and NJROTC instructors. The wide variety of subjects includes the following:
- CITIZENSHIP–Instill values and responsibilities of good citizenship.
- NAVAL ORIENTATION -- A basic introduction to the Navy -- its customs, traditions, and way of life.
- NAVAL OPERATIONS/ORGANIZATION -- Familiarizes the student with national strategy and naval forces, daily military operations, training, exercises, drills, and shipboard organization.
- NAVAL HISTORY -- History of the United States Navy from the colonial period to the present.
- NAVIGATION -- An introduction to piloting and celestial navigation.
- SEAMANSHIP -- An introduction to the general subjects of seamanship that include anchoring and mooring, ship handling, small boats, weather, ship construction, and steering and propulsion systems.
- LEADERSHIP -- An ongoing study of the principles and practical application of leadership with emphasis on providing opportunities for students to exercise and develop their own leadership abilities.
- NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY -- A study of astronomy and its application to celestial navigation.
- ELECTRONICS -- An introduction to electronics as the basis for shipboard radar, sonar, communications, and guidance systems.
- OCEANOGRAPHY -- Provides information on the collection and dissemination of hydrographic and navigational data of the world's ocean systems.
- DRILLS, COMMANDS, AND CEREMONIES -- Includes individual, squad, platoon, and company close order drill; rotation of command; physical fitness; personnel inspections; and parade in company review.
Outside Opportunities
NJROTC cadets participate in a number of outside activities throughout the school year and during the summer months. These opportunities are designed to stimulate learning by hands-on experience and to reinforce classroom instruction. Some of these activities include:
- School and local activities such as drill teams, air rifle teams, orienteering, unit athletics, parades, field days, and nonpolitical community activities.
- Military/leadership training of about 1 week during the spring and summer months.
- Orientation visits (3 to 5 days) to various naval and military bases.
- Cruises aboard U.S. naval vessels (1 day to 2 weeks) normally conducted during the summer months.
- Be enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction in a grade 9 through 12
- Be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical education program
- Be selected by the NJROTC instructor with the approval of the school principal or their representative.
- Maintain acceptable standards of academic achievement and an academic standing that warrants at least normal progression leading to graduation.
- Maintain acceptable standards of conduct.
- Comply with specified personal grooming standards. Common sense and good judgment apply to the attainment of these standards. Standards will not be relaxed so as to reflect disgrace on the naval service.
- Under the secondary school open enrollment policy and when desired by the principal, students in grades 9-12 who are otherwise ineligible for regular NJROTC enrollment may enroll as special NJROTC cadets. Special NJROTC cadets may participate in school approved NJROTC activities, be called naval cadets, wear the uniform, participate as cadet officers, and go on field trips and orientation visits to military installations. Special NJROTC students may not, however, be counted with that number required to maintain an NJROTC unit. Any special equipment or additional staff that may be needed to instruct special NJROTC students is provided by the school.
Student Benefits from NJROTC
- Approximately 60 percent of the NJROTC cadets graduating seniors continue to higher education.
- NJROTC provides the opportunity for secondary school students to learn the basic elements and need for national security and their personal obligations as Americans.
- The program enhances the image of the military in the eyes of the community by providing a chance for success to the nation's youth.
- While the training is along military lines, it is conducted so as to encourage initiative and individuality to develop natural gifts, to teach self-control, develop personal character, responsibility and qualities of integrity, loyalty, and dedication.
- Cadets derive self-esteem from belonging to NJROTC.
- NJROTC cadets are better behaved, have higher attendance, are role models for the avoidance of substance abuse, have higher self-esteem, develop positive life skills, graduate at a higher rate, and are an excellent source of service accessions.
- The values, principles, and self-discipline taught in NJROTC promotes positive, productive behaviors and provides a support structure that is critical in helping cadets avoid the use of drugs.
- The NJROTC program is motivational in encouraging cadets to graduate from high school.
- Cadets presenting evidence of successful completion of at least 3 years of NJROTC are entitled to advanced promotion to pay grade E-3 upon initial enlistment in an active or reserve component of the Army, Navy, or Air Force, and pay grade E-2 in the Marine Corps.
- Cadets accepted for enlistment, who provide evidence of successful completion of 2 years of a NJROTC program are entitled to be enlisted in pay grade E-2 (except in the Marine Corps and Air Force).
- Senior Naval Science Instructor is authorized to nominate a maximum of three eligible cadets each year to compete for U.S. Naval Academy appointments.
- Administrators of host schools that are designated as Distinguished Units with Academic Honors may nominate three eligible NJROTC cadets as candidates for appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Military Academy, and U.S. Air Force Academy in addition to the three nominations above to the U.S. Naval Academy.
Student Requirements
- Come to school and all classes on time, be ready to learn, with a notebook, pencil or pen every day.
- All Cadets, no sandals or slides allowed, must be closed toe shoes, headphones off, earbuds out. Males must tuck in shirts, earrings out, and pants with belt loops must have a belt.
- Know and follow classroom rules and procedures as outlined in the NJROTC Cadet Handbook and the Los Angeles County School District Student Handbook.
- Male Cadets must have hair within standards prior to uniform inspection. Females must have hair in a bun or in standards outlined in the Cadet Field Manual (CFM).
- No sharing of Physical Fitness (PT) Gear or any uniform items (if a student loses their issued PT Gear, they can either A - pay for new ones or B - wear any other PT clothing that they did not wear to school.)
- All Students, Enrolled in NJROTC will be required to participate in the following mandatory extra-curricular activities:
a. Annual Military Inspection (2nd Semester)
b. Fall Awards (Fall 2022), Spring Awards and Change of Command (Spring 2023)
c. Each cadet is required to perform a minimum of 10 Community Service hours in NJROTC activities each Semester for a minimum of 20 hours annually.
d. Participate in at least 2 Fundraisers. - Homework: As necessary assigned by the Naval Science Instructors.
Monday – As directed by Naval Science Instructors. Usually, Academics Day
Tuesday or as Directed/Instructed – Uniform and Drill (arrive at school dressed in the complete uniform and remain dressed the entire day. Cadets are not allowed to change out until they return home except for classes that could damage the uniform (Art, Ceramics, Science Lab, etc., after school activities or sports, and work)
Wednesday, Thursday, and/or Friday – Physical Training, Bring PT gear to class, dress out and participate (only closed=toe shoes allowed) - Materials, supplies and equipment required:
a. Notebook, pencil or pen, Cadet Handbook, and Planner/Fully Charged Chromebook
b. Military Uniforms provided by the United States Navy (Tuesday or as instructed). - Behavior must be in accordance with the following:
a. Los Angeles County School District Student Handbook.
b. Kennedy Student Handbook/Planner.
c. Kennedy NJROTC Cadet Handbook. - How grade is determined:
25% ACADEMICS - Class work, Exams, Homework, and Assignments.
25% Physical Training - Dressing out, Participation, and Fitness Tests.
25% Uniform Inspections - Not wearing the uniform will result in a zero. Wearing it dishonorably are grounds for unenrollment.
25% Cadet Like Qualities (CLQ) - Subjective Instructor Grade as determined by the Naval Science Instructors. This grade includes, but is not limited to watch standing, military bearing, discipline, required forms turned in and overall performance in other classes.
Chaparral Athletic Meet
In this event local NJROTC programs compete in various areas including: pushups, situps, pullups, timed arm hang, 1600 relay, 220 relay, basketball, Socko, volleyball, and the Torpedo Run. The competition is intensive and exhilarating! NJROTC cadets socialize with cadets from other schools and learn new tips on how to advance their individual and team scores. Kennedy was awarded 1st place in male push-ups, 2nd place female push-ups, and 2 individual awards.
Carrillo Field Meet
During this field meet Kennedy NJROTC competed against several other JROTC programs. The event taught cadets how to improve in specific areas, brought the team closer together, as well as teaching them overcome fears of inspection and competition. Cadets worked hard, made great memories, and had a lot of fun. Kennedy received three individual medals for tap out.
El Camino Field Meet
In this event, local NJROTC programs compete in different areas including: Color Guard, Armed/Unarmed Exhibition, Armed/Unarmed Basic marching, and Physical Training (PT). Cadets are able to socialize with cadets from other JROTC programs and get tips on how to advance their team’s scores. Kennedy received fourth place in Armed Basic.
Troy Athletic Field Meet
During this field meet our PT team competed against different branches of the JROTC program such as Army, Air Force, and the Navy. We earned 5th Place Torpedo Run and Best Sportsmanship. Once we got back from our Field Meet the cadets that participated in the competition earned the Inter-Service Ribbon.
Granada Hills Holiday Parade
Kennedy NJROTC marched in the Granada Hills Holiday parade this year. Cadets were able to revel in the warmth of the holiday spirit by representing Kennedy in the three mile march from Petit Park to Granada Hills. Kennedy NJROTC received several awards including 1st place for Color Guard, 1st place for Drill, and 1st place for Unarmed Drill.
San Fernando Valley Veterans Day Parade
During this event, cadets from JROTC programs from the area showed their pride by marching alongside men and women who are currently serving in the armed forces and veterans who have previously served. Kennedy cadets started off at San Fernando Mission Road and marched to Richie Valens Park on Paxton Street where they stopped to enjoy a picnic lunch with military men and women. Along the way, spectators cheered on the various JROTC programs, showed their respect for active and retired military, and honored those who have fallen in the line of duty.
Field Trips
USS Iowa Field Trip
This fantastic field trip experience allows Kennedy’s NJROTC cadets to see the massive USS Iowa ship up close. Cadets learn about its history, meet actual Navy sailors, and see what sailor life is like. This event also teaches cadets about the historical significance of the weaponry of the time. It is like taking a walk back through time.
USS Midway Field Trip
Kennedy NJROTC cadets travel to San Diego, California, to tour the USS MIDWAY. On the USS MIDWAY there is a virtual battle plane simulation that allows cadets to experience a simulation of what it is to be a pilot in war. In this simulation, cadets are asked to complete tasks like getting gas for the plane, shooting down enemy planes, and landing safely on a battleship. Cadets are also able to talk to veterans from the Air Force, Marines, and Navy, in addition to seeing the inside of airplanes that were actually used in military combat. While inside the ship, cadets experience the daily life of a sailor at sea by touring the kitchen, the laundry room, the chapel, the Captain’s sleeping quarters, the flight deck, and the bridge where the captain and admiral watch planes take off and land for their missions.
Current Battalion Organization
Department and Roles
Commanding Officer (CO)
The CO is the senior cadet responsible to the SNSI/NSI for all areas of the NJROTC program. Specific duties include, but are not limited to:
- The overall guidance and direction of the unit.
- Meeting a minimum of once per week with SNSI for leadership training and mentoring in carrying out unit responsibilities.
- Carry out assigned tasks as provided by the SNSI/NSI.
- Establish clearly defined “SMART” goals for the unit and work toward achieving these goals. Ensure these goals are clearly expressed to all cadets.
- Be familiar with the duties of all unit staff members and provide the necessary instruction and mentoring to ensure the proper and efficient operation of the unit.
- Maintain the highest standards of unit discipline, appearance, and morale.
- Practice sound leadership techniques and be aware of the leadership styles/effectiveness of the other unit staff members.
- Be responsible for all unit functions and activities. Delegation of authority does not mean delegation of responsibility.
Executive Officer (XO)
The XO will support the CO in all respects, and will be prepared to act on the CO's behalf in his/her absence. Specifically, the XO is responsible for:
- Carrying out tasks assigned by the unit Company Commander or the SNSI/NSI.
- Being prepared to stand in for the Company Commander at any time.
- Maintaining the unit EOY Report as a living document.
- Leading unit staff meetings.
- Ensuring team commanders and event OIC’s submit proper event after action reports/records to the Administration Officer for proper recording in CDMIS.
- Continually assessing progress toward achieving unit goals and making recommendations, where appropriate, to revising goals.
- Ensuring that all team captains are properly documenting practice and competition attendance.
- Coordinating team photos for submission to the school yearbook.
- Assisting with special projects and annual events, working closely with the SNSI, NSI, and other staff members.
- Monitoring the training program to ensure that PARS and advancement exams are being properly completed.
- Ensuring the effectiveness of the mentoring program and ensuring that all cadets in the unit are properly assigned a mentor upon joining the unit.
Command Master Chief (CMC)
The CMC deals directly with enlisted cadets and reports directly to the CO. He/she takes care of disciplinary situations with the enlisted as well as the promotion process for individual cadets. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Ensuring the highest standards of discipline, conduct, and uniform appearance.
- Taking muster at company functions, practices, staff meetings and report to the XO/CO.
- Assisting the CO/XO in any way necessary to run the unit efficiently.
- Being prepared to form the company for drill or inspection in the absence of officers.
- Planning and supervising routine clean-up of unit spaces.
- Conducting a major field day of all unit spaces before command inspections and all other major evolutions.
1st Lieutenant
The 1st Lieutenant is responsible for the physical surroundings of classrooms and mess areas. Responsibilities include:
- Ensuring physical surrounding appearance standards are met.
- Supervising and controlling field mess space/provisions.
- Supervising maintenance and control of equipment through the Kennedy NJROTC chain of command.
- Being prepared to fill in as Executive Officer as required.
- Handling all Discipline within the Unit
The OPS officer will support the CO and XO in all respects. Specifically, the OPS officer is responsible for:
- Maintaining and updating the unit calendar.
- Ensuring the Plan of the Week (POW) is properly prepared and submitted to the SNSI.
- Coordinating event requirements and sign-up sheets to ensure events needs are met. Finalizing event sign-up sheets prior to each event.
- Familiarizing themselves with trip requirements, especially for drill, color guard, and athletic teams.
- Being prepared to fill in as Executive Officer as required.
- Ensuring team commanders are proficient in their positions as team leaders.
- Assisting CO/XO in special projects, to include AMI, field trips, parades, etc.
The Supply Officer reports directly to the NSI for supply related matters and to the XO for military matters. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Maintaining inventory and accountability for all instructional material, organizational items, and uniform items.
- Coordinating the issue and turn-in of all uniform items.
- Conducting monthly inventory spot-checks to verify CDMIS information.
- Conducting annual (or as required) wall-to-wall inventories on uniforms, organizations, and minor property and submit as required.
- Controlling access to all unit supply storerooms.
- Ensuring all storerooms are clean and orderly.
- Coordinating pick-up/delivery of uniforms from cleaners as required.
- Recommending to the SNSI/NSI any uniforms, gear, and books for survey, repair or cleaning.
- Ensuring unit drill rifles, swords, and flags are clean, in good repair and properly accounted for.
The Administration Officer is responsible for personnel functions, including, but not limited to:
- Maintaining all cadet administrative records in JUMS.
- Recording the minutes of unit staff meetings and providing copies to all staff members.
- Preparing unit forms and new cadet packets for issuance to all new cadets upon arrival.
- Maintaining accurate records of all forms received on an annual basis.
- Entering information into CDMIS for all events, After Action Reports, and promotions.
- Printing promotion, cadet, or month award, and other certificates on a weekly basis for presentation during class periods.
- Tracking personnel awards, lettering qualifications, and advancement charts.
Chaplain/Safety Officer
The Chaplain provides the cadets a support system and spiritual support. Duties include:
- Coordinating and/or conducting prayers at all appropriate unit functions (i.e. Military Ball, Area Managers/Off-Site Inspection, End-of-Year Awards Banquet, etc.)
- Interventions
- Safety/ORM
- Anti-Bullying
Platoon (Period) Commanders
Platoon Commanders are responsible for the following:
- The appearance, discipline, and conduct of cadets within their platoons at all times. Platoon Commanders must be the example for leadership and uniform appearance.
- Maintaining high proficiency within their platoons in drill, ceremonies, customs, courtesies, and appearance.
- Developing leadership in unit members and provide opportunities for each member to practice leadership training.
- Ensuring accurate musters of their platoons during class and at all unit functions.
- Nominating cadets for junior and senior Cadet of the Month, as required.
- Ensuring assigned cadets turn-in all required forms as needed by Supply and Admin.
- Checking cadet folders once a week to ensure completion of PARS and PFT info.
- Assisting classroom instructors in facilitating classroom instruction, as needed.
- Ensuring morning/afternoon colors are properly conducted, when assigned.
- Acting as a sponsor for newly assigned cadets during the school year, until a mentor is assigned.
- Ensuring all spaces are maintained in a neat and organized manner every day.
Training Officer (TO)
The Training Officer reports to the CO via the XO. The training department is responsible for tracking the progress of all members to support awards and promotions. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
- Coordinating advancement testing of all platoon members, including exam creation, administering, grading and promotion recommendations.
- Maintaining a cadet advancement exam test bank.
- Ensuring all PARS cards are adequately stocked/replenished.
- Coordinating quarterly PARS submissions and advancement exam schedule.
- Coordinating and conducting training for those cadets in need of additional training relating to general military knowledge and drill.
Community Service Officer (CSO)
The Community Service Officer identifies, plans and coordinates community service activities consistent with eligible hours to earn community service ribbons:
- Responsible for identifying, coordinating, and conducting all community and school service opportunities.
- Providing timely notification to unit staff and instructors of all community and school service opportunities.
- Ensuring all community and school service events are listed on the unit calendar.
- Coordinating signups for all events to meet event needs.
- Verifying all community/school service events.
- Completing and submitting After Action Reports properly and in a timely manner following events.
Public Affairs Officer (PAO)
The PAO is responsible to the SNSI through the XO and the CO for the following:
- Maintaining a close liaison with school/local media with regards to the unit, preparing monthly articles for submission to SNSI.
- Maintaining a yearly unit scrapbook or file with pictures from all events.
- Maintaining unit bulletin boards in a neat and orderly manner with updated event pictures.
- Preparing and submitting closed-circuit promotional slides to SNSI on a monthly basis.
- Coordinating creation of unit slideshow(s) for the End of Year Awards Banquet.
- Coordinating the publishing of a unit yearbook each spring.
- Coordinating photography (video and still) unit activities/events/competitions.
- Assisting in managing the NJROTC website.
Color Guard Commander
- Responsible for proper training of all color guard members.
- Maintaining and making recommendations for care and ordering of color guard equipment.
- Posting and finalizing all sign-up lists, as needed, to meet Color Guard requirements.
- Overseeing performance of Honors Guard Captain.
- Coordinating competitive color guard drill team(s).
Team Captains
Academic, Drill, Orienteering, Cyber, Drone, PT, Raider, and Rifle:
- Responsible for setting practice schedules for their respective teams.
- Conduct attendance at each practice, event, etc.
- Maintain an active roster of, and all manner of communications with all team members.
- Provide recommendations and rosters to SNSI/NSI for event/competition teams.
- Team Captains will be chosen cadets with final approval of SNSI/NSI.
Contact Information
Captain Kent Flowers and Gunnery Sergeant William Baxter
1-818-271-2900 EXT: 12534