Magnet - FAQs » On-Time CHOICES Applications

On-Time CHOICES Applications

The Magnet Program is a Court-Ordered voluntary integration program open to all L.A. Unified students to reduce the harms of racial isolation. The on-time student selection process for magnet programs is based on the Magnet Priority Point System and the Court-Ordered reduction of the Harms of Racial Isolation.

Students are assigned points based on 5 criteria (see "How are prioirty points assigned?"). Once an on time application is submitted, the information is verified by the District’s Information Technology Division (ITD), and the sum of these points is utilized in a fair and secure computerized selection process.

Each magnet program’s openings are determined by the need to maintain a racially balanced enrollment and by available space. Any student who sent in an on-time application, but was not selected, is placed on a waiting list at their first choice school.

It is the Parents’/Guardians’ responsibility to verify the student’s address, grade and ethnicity with the current L.A. Unified school of attendance prior to the application deadline.

Selection Process for Applications to Multiple Programs:

  1. You may apply to up to three different magnet programs. However, the second and third choices are optional; you may choose to apply to a single program.
  2. The Magnet Priority Points are used for the applicant’s first and optional second or third choice.
  3. If not selected to their first choice, the applicant will be considered for their second and/or third choice.
  4. If selected to any one of their choices, the applicant will not be on the waiting list for the other choice(s).
  5. If not selected into a magnet program, the applicant will be placed on the waiting list for their first choice only.
DO NOT APPLY FOR A SECOND OR THIRD CHOICE PROGRAM THAT YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO ACCEPT. If you decline the program, you will lose your priority points.
No points will be assigned to late applications. Late applicants who wish to be considered should there be space available will be added to the late/wait list in the time order that applications are received.
Erroneous/Ineligible Applications: Applicants who make an error on their application will be mailed a correction letter in February. Applicants who do not correct the information and return the letter to the Student Integration Services by the deadline will not receive points. There are no points given for submitting an application or for applying to a program for which the applicant is ineligible.
Magnet Decline Rule: If an applicant declines Magnet placement, all waiting list points are removed.
Failure to Culminate/Voluntary Program Departure: Should an applicant leave a Magnet Program before the culminating grade, no matriculation points will be assigned.
Applicants currently attending a magnet program and selected into another magnet program will automatically be dropped from their current magnet program, even they decline the placement offer.

Magnet Programs:

All students interested in attending one of our magnet programs must submit an application through CHOICES. No priority is given to students residing within the school boundaries.

Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS):

Students residing within the school boundaries of a designated SAS site who meet the eligibility criteria must be placed in the site’s SAS gifted/ talented program (unless a parent has opted out). No formal application is required for a qualified student residing within school boundaries since SAS is the school site’s GATE instructional program for its students. If you reside within our school’s attendance boundaries, please contact our main office for residential enrollment procedures.