Girls Water Polo

Welcome to Kennedy High Girls Water polo
We are excited for the season. It will be fun!
Girls Head Coach: Nathan Antoniello
If you are interested in joining please email Mr. Nathan Antoniello at [email protected]
Practice: Water polo is Zero period To start practice you must be cleared first. Practice starts Monday November 11, 2024
Date: Nov 12, 2024 - Feb 14, 2025
Days: Mon - Thurs except on game days
Time: 6 AM - 7:30 AM
Place: Panorama pool inside Panorama High School
8015 Van Nuys Blvd Panorama High
Bus: Bus leaves at 8am to Kennedy (Athletes get dropped off at the Panorama pool and a school bus will be provided from Panorama HS to Kennedy.)
Steps to get cleared to play Girls Water Polo:
- Please fill out the PhysicalForm; your doctor's office must fill this out and you must bring back the original. Each physical is only valid for one year. If it expires in the middle of the season you won't be allowed to play until you submit another form. (Submit in person to Mr. Antoniello)
- If you have ASTHMA don't forget to fill out and bring this back AsthmaForm
- Emergency Cards must be on file with the school nurse. Emergency Card
- You must log in to com and start filling out your information.
- You must watch 2 videos of sportsmanship and concussion; make sure you upload both certificates when done. Sportsmanship and Concussion For Students
- Give your original physical form to Mr. Antoniello
- Antoniello will look at your paperwork and turn it into the Athletic Director.
- Once you are cleared you will get an email saying you are cleared. Sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks to get cleared. Once you are cleared you will be able to practice.
- The Coach will communicate with you through the app GroupMe
Please email Mr. Nathan Antoniello at [email protected] for more information.